Money & Investment
Money & Investment
The past several decades have seen some of the widest swings in stock market valuations in recorded history. Not since the great depression in the United States have we seen market swings of this magnitude. Most of these high peaks and deep valleys have been caused by rampant speculation. Internet trading has made it easier for ordinary people to reallocate money on a whim. Runaway speculation on things like tech stocks, real estate, and commodities, have resulted in extreme volatility in the markets. While technology and access to real time information has created great efficiency on the one hand, it has caused some serious problems on the other hand. Fortunes continue to be won and lost in shorter and shorter periods of time. It is a new world of risk and a new world of opportunity. However, the best course of financial action, in my opinion, is still to adopt a steady and diversified approach to investing. Trying to make every investment a quick home run is more likely to land you in the poor house. Why? Because that type of investment strategy is most likely to lead you down a path of low diversity and high risk. But then, we all have different risk tolerances. is committed to offering an open forum for article submissions that offer every possible investment perspective. Only you can choose the investment approach that is right for you. Please be aware that the information on our site is largely opinion. And opinions can vary drastically particularly when it comes to investing.

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